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J 3d Printing in Medicine: 3D Printing – an avenue for accessible innovation in urology

Yes, we know it looks like a mutant donut, but it is actually a CAD design for a urostomy simulator.

Today’s topic is 3d printing in urology, and how 3d printing can help patient education through a simulated urostomy! This low cost, simple device can help patients adjust to life-changing surgery, and demonstrates how quickly an idea can go from concept to prototype using CAD and 3d printing techniques.

Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine

Many thanks to our authors Dr Jasamine Coles-Black, Dr Ian Chao, A/Prof Jason Chuen, A/Prof Nathan Lawrentschuck, Mr Dennis Gyomber and Prof Damien Bolton, along with the production team at the Journal of 3d Printing in Medicine!

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