3d Med Australia 2018 – Speakers
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We are always pleased to see a wide range of clinician and engineering speakers at the Australian 3D Med Symposium and this year is no different. Representing a range of hospitals, academic institutions, industry, specialty areas, allied-health and geography – we always seem to attract a group of passionate and wonderful people who are just happy to connect, share their ideas and collaborate.
This year is no different and we are proud to announce that guests and speakers for #3dMedAu18 will include:
Jen Owen (@enablethefuture)

Jen is the founder and owner of enablingthefuture.org which aims to connect open-source designs for 3D-printed prostheses with a global community of volunteers.
Dr Elizabeth Sigston (@DrESigston)

Elizabeth is a specialist Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon at Monash Health with a particular interest in Head and Neck Cancer. She is recognised for her advocacy in public health, environmental protection, and the value of women in medicine. She is a senior lecturer at Monash University and a 2015 Telstra Business Womens Award Finalist.
Dr Elizabeth McGrath

Elizabeth is Director of Conformity Assessment in the Medical Devices Branch of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Australia.
Mr Jason Chuen (@ozvascdoc)

Jason is Director of the 3D Medical Printing Laboratory at Austin Health, The University of Melbourne and also Director of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery.
Professor Mia Woodruff (@drmiawoodruff)

Mia is the Director of the Herston Biofabrication Institute at Queensland University of Technology. She gained her PhD in 2006 and has published over 70 papers.
Professor Dietmar Hutmacher

Dietmar is Professor and Chair in Regenerative Medicine in the Science and Engineering Faculty at Queensland University of Technology Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation.
Dr Eric Levi (@drericlevi)

Eric is an ENT and head and neck surgeon, social media and physician wellness advocate with appointments at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne and the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne. He has subspecialty interests in adult and paediatric head and neck tumours.
Dr Paul D’Urso (@pauldurso)

Paul is a specialist neurosurgeon and Executive Chairman of Anatomics, a Melbourne-based provider of medical 3D modelling and 3D printing services.
Dr Jasamine Coles-Black (@JasamineCB)

Jasamine is a medical officer at Austin Health and 3D Medical Printing researcher with @3dMedLab. She is actively engaged in building a 3D medical research community.
Associate Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk (@lawrentschuk)

Nathan is a Urological Surgeon and Uro-Oncologist at Austin Health and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, and Associate Professor at The University of Melbourne.
Dr Cathal O’Connell (@iCatHalo)

With a postdoctoral background in physics and nanoscience, Cathal is Centre Manager at BioFab3D, a bioprinting engineering and research facility located at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. He also moonlights as a science writer for Cosmos where his inner physicist communes with Ernest Hemingway.
Mr Rondhir Jithoo

Rondhir is a specialist neurosurgeon at Alfred Health with a strong interest in cranial and spinal trauma and spine surgery.
Dr Blake Cochran (@BlakeJCochran)

Blake is a lecturer and postdoctoral fellow at the University of New South Wales investigating the role of cholesterol in the mechanisms of disease using novel techniques.
Dr Stewart Ryan

Stewart is the Head of the Small Animal Surgery Service in the Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences at The University of Melbourne. His research is focused on surgical oncology, musculoskeletal oncology and limb salvage, the interaction of radiation and bone and translational research for medical devices.
Michele Gaca (@tomegirl40)

Michele is Chief Librarian at Austin Health and a past president of Health Libraries Inc.
Dr Hossein Mokhtarzadeh (@HosseinMok)

Hossein is an engineer and a postdoctoral Senior Fellow at The University of Melbourne with an interest in biomedical engineering and biomechanics.
Dr Timothy Hughes

Tim is a research team leader, Biomedical Polymers at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia. His expertise is in the field of polymeric biomaterials (hydrogels, fluoropolymers, polysiloxanes), regenerative medicine and medical devices, including synthetic and bio-based polymers, nanomaterial hybrids, and various self assembly systems. Tim has been co-awarded several awards including 2004 Royal Society Award for Interdisciplinary Research (Eureka Award) and 2009, 2012 CSIRO Medals for Research Achievement.
Dr Charles Sevigny and Mr Jairus Bowne

Dr Charles Sevigny (Senior Lecturer) and Mr Jairus Bowne (Senior Tutor) are co-founders of the Virtual Reality Learning Studio (VRLS) at the University of Melbourne.
Dr Darpan Shidid

Darpan is a postdoctoral Research Fellow at RMIT’s Additive Manufacturing Precinct with special interests in the development of lattice structures via selective laser melting for novel medical and orthopaedic implants.
Make sure you register online!