Medical Device 2019 Hackathon Recap

Thanks to our student and Research Platforms co-ordinators Gordon Chen and Eric Jong 3dMedLab was pleased to support the #3Devices Medical Device Hackathon at the University of Melbourne over the past few weeks.

We kicked off with introductory talks on March 28 along with a “speed-dating” session to match up bright minds in Medicine, Dentistry, Allied Health and Engineering, along with some inspiring talks.

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Better Care Victoria Proposal

Better Care Victoria- 3D Lab Proposal

OK, so we aren’t professional videographers… but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t passionate about expanding the use of 3D technology to improve patient care!

We’ve put in our submission to the Better Care Victoria Innovation Fund to build our 3D Medical Imaging service. This will improve the quality of our CT and MRI scans to show anatomy and pathology in 3D, and help us create better, more useful 3D prints for our patients and doctors.

Time to keep our fingers crossed and hope we get selected for funding!